Element 6

Element 6

Teachers continually improve their professional knowledge and practice.


6.1.1 Demonstrate a capacity to reflect critically on and improve teaching practice.
6.1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the professional standards framework and its impact on the professional life of a teacher.
6.1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the available professional development opportunites and the importance of personal planning to ongoing professional growth.
6.1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of teamwork in an educational context.
6.1.5 Accept constructive feedback to improve and refine teaching and learning practices.
6.1.6 Prepare for and contribute to discussions about the teaching profession or subject/content.
6.1.7 Explore educational ideas and issues through research
6.1.8 Recognise the range of policies and policy documents that teachers in NSW may need to comply with following employment in a school.

I have demonstrated the importance of teamwork (http://lizziep.wikispaces.com/Report) in an educational context (Aspect 6.1.4) Teamwork is an essential element of a successful educational environment, as teachers are able to share lesson ideas and plan together. On my first professional experience practicum, I worked with all the stage teachers to plan lesson ideas, share resources and attend a school camp. I have also demonstrated the ability to accept constructive feedback and use it to improve and (http://lizziep.wikispaces.com/Report) refine my teaching practices. (Aspect 6.1.5) At the completion of each lesson given on practicum, the cooperating teacher fills out a feedback report, and discusses the lesson given. I have attempted wherever possible to use this feedback for future lesson planning and implementation. I have demonstrated the knowledge of the professional standards framework, (Aspect 6.1.2) in developing this portfolio. Completing such has meant I have had to interact with each element and consider how it applies to a teacher, and what steps need to be undertaken in order to continue working through the stages of professional development. 

I will demonstrate a capacity to reflect critically on and improve my teaching. (Aspect 6.1.1) Whilst I have reviewed and evaluated lessons after I have taught them, I feel there is a greater need to reflect critically upon my teaching, in order to improve for the future. I will also demonstrate knowledge of the available professional development opportunities and the importance of personal planning to ongoing professional growth. (Aspect 6.1.3) Such will be achieved with the investigation of what types of professional development is made available to teachers, and how accessible the training is. I will also attempt to get involved with the planning and programming of units across KLAs, in order to develop my ability to contribute to discussions about subject and content. (Aspect 6.1.6)

I need to familiarise myself with the relevant school policies for my upcoming practicum, so I can abide by these for the duration of time at the school, and also gain further insight into the types of regulations and procedures that schools must follow. (Aspect 6.1.8) Through our tertiary studies we have developed our knowledge and understanding of some of the most important DET policies, including those on gender and Aboriginal Education.

I believe research is essential for the ongoing development of ideas and theories in relations to education. (Aspect 6.1.7) It is vital that classroom teachers are kept up to date with relevant information for use in their classrooms, so that their students are always provided with access to the highest forms of quality teaching and resources. Often teachers conduct research in their own classrooms and schools, and even though these may be small scale research studies, they can still provide new knowledge and insights to help improve student learning (McMillan, 2004, p.2). Other teacher's research can provide possible solutions for teachers experiencing similar issues, or can provide means to alternative ways of doing things, which will in turn help teachers everywhere.