Element 1

Element 1

Teachers know their subject content and how to teach that content to their students.


1.1.1 Demonstrate relevant knowledge of the central concepts, modes of enquiry and structure of the content/discipline(s).
1.1.2 Demonstrate research-based knowledge of the pedagogies of the content/discipline(s) taught.
1.1.3 Design and implement lesson seuences using knowledge of the NSW syllabus documents or other curriculum reuirments of the Education Act
1.1.4 Demonstrate current knowledge and proficiency in the use of the following:
         - Basic operational skills
         - Information technology skills
         - Software evaluation skills
         - Effective use of the internet
         - Pedagogical skills for classroom management

I have demonstrated the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom. (Aspect 1.1.4) Within my lessons I have used basic operational skills on a SMART board and also demonstrated the effective use of the internet. These resources are things that I would like to continue to use throughout my professional development, as they provide a very interactive and engaging lesson for students. I have also shown my ability to design and implement lesson sequences using NSW syllabus documents, (Aspect 1.1.3) choosing appropriate outcomes for the lesson, and showing how it links to others.

I will continue to demonstrate relevant knowledge of the central concepts, modes of enquiry and structure of the content. (Aspect 1.1.1) It is an essential element of all lesson planning, that appropriate background information is collected, so as the most relevant and accurate lesson can be formed. This is an area that I will continue to work on, by visiting the school's library and collecting resources so as to best meet the learning needs of my students.

I need to establish how I can best incorporate research based knowledge of pedagogies into content development in my lesson planning. (Aspect 1.1.2) This should be achieved by formulating a clear personal philosophy of teaching and adapting it to the classroom.

I believe I am continuously developing my competency with the subject matter I am teaching. This comes with increasing one's familiarity with subject areas and content strands. I feel confident within myself as a teacher, and know that with every teaching opportunity I am given, this can only grow.